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Rule 97

Before setting off. You MUST ensure that

  • you have a valid licence and insurance to drive the vehicle you intend to use (see Annex 3)
  • your vehicle is legal and roadworthy (see Annexes 3 and 6 for important vehicle maintenance and safety checks).

You SHOULD ensure that

  • you have planned your route and allowed sufficient time for breaks and possible delays
  • you have sufficient fuel or charge for your journey, especially if it includes motorway driving
  • you know where all the controls are and how to use them
  • clothing and footwear do not prevent you using the controls in the correct manner
  • your mirrors and seat are adjusted correctly to ensure comfort, full control and maximum vision
  • head restraints are properly adjusted to reduce the risk of neck and spine injuries in the event of a collision.

It is recommended for emergency use that

  • you have a mobile telephone containing emergency contacts (e.g. breakdown assistance)
  • you have high-visibility clothing.

Rule 97: Make sure head restraints are properly adjusted

Rule 99

You MUST wear a seat belt in cars, vans and other goods vehicles if one is fitted (see table below). Adults, and children aged 14 years and over, MUST use a seat belt or child restraint, where fitted, when seated in minibuses, buses and coaches. Exemptions are allowed for the holders of medical exemption certificates and those making deliveries or collections in goods vehicles when travelling less than 50 metres (approx 162 feet).

Seat belt requirements. This table summarises the main legal requirements for wearing seat belts in cars, vans and other goods vehicles.


  Front seat Rear seat Who is responsible?
Driver Seat belt MUST be worn if fitted Driver
Child under 3 years of age Correct child restraint MUST be used Correct child restraint MUST be used. If one is not available in a taxi, may travel unrestrained. Driver
Child from 3rd birthday up to 1.35 metres in height (or 12th birthday, whichever they reach first) Correct child restraint MUST be used Correct child restraint MUST be used where seat belts fitted. MUST use adult belt if correct child restraint is not available in a licensed taxi or private hire vehicle, or for reasons of unexpected necessity over a short distance, or if two occupied restraints prevent fitment of a third. Driver
Child over 1.35 metres (approx 4ft 5ins) in height or 12 or 13 years Seat belt MUST be worn if available Seat belt MUST be worn if available Driver
Adult passengers aged 14 and over Seat belt MUST be worn if available Seat belt MUST be worn if available Passenger
The Highway Code © Crown copyright.
Source: http://gov.uk/highway-code