Remember, your practical driving test isn’t just about the physical act of driving. Before you even get in the car you’ll be asked some questions which we call Tell Me questions which you can see below. You’ll be asked one Tell Me question before you start driving and one Show Me questions when you’re driving the car.
Knowing the answers to all these questions isn’t just important to pass your test but it’s important for your everyday driving.
We’ve broken down the questions for you, so read on to prepare yourself for the official Show Me questions and answers.
Quick tips –
- The show me questions cover your windows, lights and horn
- You need to be able to see out of your windows and know what to do if you can’t.
- Your dipped headlights are about being seen and putting your lights on when driving.
- The horn as you remember from your theory test, is to let people know you are there if they have not seen you.
- These questions are asked on the move.
Remember: The examiner will choose a quiet bit of road to ask you the Show Me question. If a problem arises, deal with it then proceed to do what the examiner wants. Remember above all, they want you to be safe.
Top tip: Practice! Learn the controls when you are parked somewhere. Then find somewhere quiet and practice when moving.
- Examiner: When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you wash and clean the rear windscreen?
- Examiner: When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you wash and clean the front windscreen?
The windscreen wiper stalk used to wash and wipe your windscreens, Pull towards you for the front windscreen. Push away for the rear windscreen. Keep hand on the wheel and use fingers to operate.
How to: The controls for this are normally on a stick by the steering wheel. Pull towards you to wash and wipe the front windscreen and push away to wash and wipe the rear windscreen.
Top tip: Make sure your windscreen wash container is actually filled up. Buy a large bottle of ready mixed screen wash and make sure you keep topped up.
3) Examiner: When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d set the rear de-mister?

Note: the rectangle shows it’s the rear windscreen. The wavy lines indicate heat used for demisting
4) Examiner: When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d de-mist the front windscreen?

The dial on the left indicates red for hot and blue for cold. The middle one is the volume of air. Zero being off and 4 a gale! The dial on the right shows where the air is going to go. Face, feet and face, feet on their own, feet and windscreen. And lastly windscreen on its own.
Know how: Make sure you can use the blowers properly. They will make your journeys much more comfortable and remember, the driver’s comfort is the most important thing. The only exception is if you have your mum in the car. Then you must remember it’s her comfort that is most important
Top tip: If you have an older car with a heated rear window make sure you turn it off when not needed as you are draining the battery.
5) Examiner: When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d open and close the side window?

Most modern cars have electric windows. The older hand operated one are sometimes known as keep fit windows.
Remember: Opening and shutting your side window will help with your all important comfort in the car. You can’t beat a bit of fresh air!
6) Examiner: When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d switch on your dipped headlights?

Either twist or pull depending what you need to do with the lights. Use just a finger or maybe a finger and thumb. If all your fingers are out when using you might be accidently putting on the main or high beam which can dazzle the car coming towards you.
Top tip: Use your dipped headlights when you can’t see as well as you should be able to. Remember more often than not, your dipped headlights are so other people can see you.
7) Examiner: When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d operate the horn?

Be ready to use this if you think the other road user (driver or pedestrian) has not seen you. Do not use it as a rebuke.
Be a driving pro: If you think someone hasn’t seen you, but they need to know you are there, that’s what the horn is for. Normally a light toot will do. A big long blast is not helpful in normal use.
Remember, no one’s driving has ever been improved by being beeped at. When I’m out with a learner and another driver beeps at us, it always makes the situation worse. So it really should just be a warning.