The driving test is set up to be as fair as possible.
Part of this is where possible the use of standard wording.
As instructors we should be familiar with this and make use of it for our pupils.
Preliminaries: At the test centre as the examiner comes out looking for his candidate.
He will call out the candidate’s name and the candidate should make themselves known to the examiner.
Be aware that if the candidate’s name is unusual it could well be mispronounced.
Good morning/afternoon Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms ……..May I see your driving licence and your photo ID please.
Note: The candidate should have their Theory Test pass certificate just in case.
They do not normally ask but are entitled to and it is a legal requirement to have it.
If your pupil has lost it they can apply for a new one but this should be done in good time.
……..would you read and sign this insurance and residency declaration please?
Is your name and address still the same as on your driving licence?
Would you like your instructor/accompanying driver to accompany you on test?
Would you like your instructor/accompanying driver to be there at the end of test for the result and feedback.
Note: With regard to being with the pupil on test.
This is definitely worthwhile particularly if you are a new instructor.
Sit behind your pupil and observe the examiner.
Remember that you will not see what the examiner see’s.
And it’s what he sees that counts.
Any interference in the test will very likely result in your pupil failing.
Also by interfering with a test this could have professional consequences for you.
I always ask the pupil would they prefer a friendly face or an extra pair of eyes on them.
It’s their decision and they should be comfortable with it.
They could also have the examiners examiner in the back.
Be aware they can not legally refuse but if they can give a good reason why they do not want them there the examiner’s examiner may agree not to be there.
If the examiners do not agree that there is a good reason the test will be terminated.
Being anxious is not a good reason.
The examiner’s examiner may still come out.
Thank you, will you lead the way to your car please.
My name is………….what would you prefer me to call you?
Note: this is not the time to get cheeky with the examiner.
Caution your pupil to treat them with respect.
The test will last about 38-40 minutes and will include about 20 minutes of independent driving and various roads and traffic conditions.
I will ask you to complete one manoeuvre and we may carry out an emergency stop.
The sort of things you have been practicing with your instructor/accompanying driver.
Which car are you using?
Will you read the number of ……………………..
Now I should like to ask you one question about your vehicle and other matters relating to vehicle safety.
The second question will be a ‘show me’ question on the move.
If you would like to make yourself comfortable in your car now please, I will join you in a moment.
General directions
Throughout the drive continue ahead, unless traffic signs direct you otherwise, and when I want you to turn left or right I will tell you in plenty of time.
Move off when you are ready, please.
Note: This is an invite for your pupil to see, understand and obey the road signs and road markings.
Normal stops
Pull up on the left at a safe place, please
Pull up along here, just before………..please.
Drive on when you are ready, please.
Take the next road on the left/right, please.
Will you take the second road on the left/right, please.
At the end of the road turn left/right, please.
At the roundabout turn left please (it is the first exit).
At the roundabout follow the road ahead (it is the second exit).
At the roundabout turn right please (it is the third exit).
Independent drive section
Sat nav directions
Shortly I’d like you to drive for some distance independently.
I’d like you to follow a series of directions from the sat nav please.
Continue to follow the sat nav until I tell you otherwise. Drive on when you are ready.
Note: Currently 4 out 5 tests will be using sat nav.
This will be supplied by the examiner with the route already pre-programmed.
There will be no need for your pupil to touch the sat nav.
Follow signage
Pull up on the left please (either specify location or use normal stop wordings).
Shortly, I’d like you to drive for some distance independently.
I’d like you to follow the traffic signs for ……………………………please.
Continue to follow the signs until I tell you otherwise.
Drive on when you are ready.
Thank you, that’s the end of the independent driving.
I will direct you as normal from now on.
Emergency stop
Pull up on the left please (either specify location or use normal stop wordings).
Shortly I shall ask you to carry out an emergency stop.
When I give this signal, (simultaneously demonstrate, and say) ‘Stop’,
I’d like you to stop as quickly and as safely as possible.
Before giving the signal I shall look round to make sure it is safe.
But please wait for my signal before doing the exercise.
Do you understand the instructions?
Thank you. I will not ask you to do that exercise again.
Drive on when you are ready.
Note: Currently only 1 in 3 tests involve an emergency stop.
Body of the test
Pull up on the right (Right-hand reverse)
Pull up on the right when it is safe to do so please.
I would now like you to reverse back for about two car lengths, keeping reasonably close to the kerb.
Reverse parking
Would you pull up on the left well before you get to the next parked car, please.
This is the reverse parking exercise.
Would you drive forward and stop alongside the car ahead.
Then reverse in and park reasonably close to and parallel with the kerb.
Try to complete the exercise within about two car lengths.
Reverse Parking – car park
Note: This can be carried out at the beginning or the end of the test.
Beginning of the test
Would you pull forward either to the left or the right so that your wheels are straight.
Then reverse into a convenient parking bay.
Finish within one of the bays.
End of the test
I should like you to reverse park in the car park.
Drive forward into the car park, then reverse into a convenient parking bay.
Finish within one of the bays.
Forward park
I would like you to drive forward into a convenient parking bay finishing within the lines, either to the left or the right (if car park allows).
Now I would like to reverse out either to the left or the right.
Direct candidate if arrows indicate a one way system in the car park
Angle start
Pull up on the left just before you get to the next parked car, please.
If necessary add: leave enough room to move away.
Hill start
Use the ‘normal stop’ wording, or specify the place.
End of the test pass
Please switch off the engine and give me a moment to complete my paperwork.
That’s the end of the test and I’m pleased to say you’ve passed.
Now that you will be driving on your own, I’d like you to be aware of/that…..Feedback as appropriate:
(If ADI present) I’m really pleased your instructor is here. And I’m sure he/she will be able to help you further.
May I see your driving licence again please?
Would you like your full licence sent to you automatically?
I will need to keep your old licence.
Please read the health declaration and sign the bottom of the test report
Here is your pass certificate – you should receive your new licence within about 20 working days.
If you have any problems there are contact details on the back.
Here is a copy of your test report
As a new driver there are some very important details you need to know.
Ask your instructor for details or visit the GOV.UK website.
Eco feedback
Please take time to discuss eco-safe driving with your instructor and learn how you can save money.
End of test fail
Please switch off the engine and give me a moment to complete my paperwork.
Note: The debrief box should only be marked if the accompanying driver is present for the debrief.
That’s the end of the test and I’m sorry you haven’t passed.
To help you I’ll explain why. Give feedback.
If ADI present
I’m really pleased your instructor is here.
And I’m sure he/she will be able to help you further.
Eco feedback
Please take time to discuss eco-safe driving with your instructor and learn how you can save money.
The above is taken from The Driving Examiners Manual.
Where appropriate it has been reformatted and edited so it only refers to the driving of ordinary cars (class b).