Having agreed with your pupil they are ready (see Ready For Test ) this deals with test preparation and routine.
Test areas:
- Test lasts 38-40 minutes.
- From any test centre you are 20 minutes in any direction for a driving test.
- This means an awful lot of ground can be covered.
- The Portsmouth test centre as an example there were 18 routes giving the examiner each route roughly twice a week.
- It is not possible or desirable to go over all the routes.
- Even if someone learnt a route, a change in road marking or road works will change how it should be dealt with.
- Learning it parrot fashion will lead to being caught out.
- Rather than learning a route learn to deal with a situation.
- It is however prudent to go over certain hot spots.
In dealing with your test bookings:
- Tests will have priority over lessons.
- First come first served.
- Make sure the pupil texts time and place to you and you accurately book into your diary and save the text just in case.
- Make sure they still have their licence.
- Check again the week before.
The Day of The Test:
- We normally book out at least 2 hours.
- One hour before and an hour for the test and drive home after.
- This will be more if the test centre is farther away.
- Be early for the pupil. They will be stressed.
- Check their licence before anything.
- Get the money while they are putting their hand in their pocket or purse.
- Find out how much driving the pupils want’s before the test.
- Some only want a light warm up 15-20 minutes.
- Other as much as possible.
- Do they smoke and will they want time for a cigarette.
- Will they want water or gum.
- Be in the general test centre area 20 minutes before the test.
- Be at the test centre about 10 minutes before.
- Lateness = stress
Your Pupil:
- Make sure they are in comfortable loose fitting clothes.
- A tight collar leads to overheating.
- Sensible shoes.
- Find out if they want you to come on the test.
- Some want a friendly face in the back, others do not want an extra pair of eyes.
- Leave the choice to them and they don’t have to decide till the DE asks.
At the centre test:
- Having arrived early you may well have to queue.
- Let the people already out on test come back in without having to go round you.
- At Portsmouth there is a queuing lane. Wait your turn.
- Ask if the pupil wants to park or wants you to do it.
- If time is getting tight do it for them anyway.
- Tell them where the toilets are.
- Go to the waiting room and tell really bad jokes, that’s what I do anyway.
After test:
- If you did not accompany your pupil, when they are coming back into the test centre do not go over and stare.
- They are still on test and will feel under pressure.
- When you see the examiner writing on his clipboard you know the test is over and you can go over if the pupil is agreeable.
- The examiner will be very helpful to you if you treat them with a little respect.
- It can be a good time to ask questions and gain knowledge.
- You are to drive the pupil home regardless of the result.