To what extent do the forces of evolution shape and affect the driving test. What are those...
Driving Test Notes
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The Driving Test as a Skill and Luck Assessment
How much of a driving test is skill and how much is luck. There certainly seems to be an element...
The Driving Test as a Stakeholder Assessment
How can we view a driving test in terms of stakeholders. There are many ways stakeholders can be...
The Driving Test as a Modern Rites of Passage
There are many reasons that people give for learning to drive. Two of the most common ones being...
The Driving Test as a Pressure Test
Seeing the driving test as a pressure test is yet another way of looking at things. Your pupil...
The Driving Test as a Highway Code Exercise
Another view of the driving test is as an application of The Highway Code. First off, what exactly...
The Driving Test as a Dynamic Risk Assessment
This is another way to look at the driving test. In order to assess a risk you must first be aware...
The Driving Test As a Data Entry Exercise
A way of viewing the driving test is as an exercise in data entry. Every test is recorded with...