WHAT IS ANXIETY? Anxiety is defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders...
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Autonomous Vehicles
I used to think that all us driving instructors would soon be out of a job. Attending the last DIA...
The Driving Test as Evidence of the Forces of Evolution.
To what extent do the forces of evolution shape and affect the driving test. What are those...
The Driving Test as a Skill and Luck Assessment
How much of a driving test is skill and how much is luck. There certainly seems to be an element...
The Driving Test as a Stakeholder Assessment
How can we view a driving test in terms of stakeholders. There are many ways stakeholders can be...
The Driving Test as a Modern Rites of Passage
There are many reasons that people give for learning to drive. Two of the most common ones being...
The Driving Test
For most people the driving test is a fairly unique experience. One of the things that makes it...
The Driving Test as a Pressure Test
Seeing the driving test as a pressure test is yet another way of looking at things. Your pupil...
The Driving Test as a Highway Code Exercise
Another view of the driving test is as an application of The Highway Code. First off, what exactly...
The Driving Test as a Dynamic Risk Assessment
This is another way to look at the driving test. In order to assess a risk you must first be aware...
The Driving Test As a Data Entry Exercise
A way of viewing the driving test is as an exercise in data entry. Every test is recorded with...
Driving Test Wording
All driving tests have a standard wording. This is to keep the test as fair as possible. This post gives the words the driving examiner uses along with some notes about the use of these words while on test.
Using a Private Car On a Driving Test
A lot of people ask if they are allowed to take their own car on test. The answer to this is a very definite yes. What this post does is to explain what you need to know when doing this. Please check out our other posts about driving test routines.
An Examiners Tale
This is the driving test explained from the examiners perspective. The examiner just wants you to be safe with a little bit of confidence. At the end of the day a way of looking at it from the examiners point of view is: would I want this person out driving on the road with me or my family. An examiner can only mark what he sees at the time.
Driving Test Faults
If you have ever wondered how an examiner marks a driving test this explains the difference between the different faults. But better than that it explains what you can do to try to influence the examiner. The best way to do this is to be ready to pass!
Driving Test Routine
Having agreed with your pupil they are ready (see Ready For Test ) this deals with test...
Ready For Test
Make sure the pupil is ready. Can they drive without help from you Check against the test...
The Story of The Car Part 12: The Wheels and Tyres
Wheels A wheel must be strong enough to resist the many forces acting upon it but light enough to...
The Story of The Car Part 11: Seat and Seat Belts
The Seat. Proper adjustment of the car seat is fundamental to effective use of the controls. The...
The Story of The Car Part 10: The Doors and Glass
The Doors. Provide for the entry and exit and security of your car. Some vehicles can be set up so...