Expected outcome / competence
Display a high level of skill in bringing the vehicle to a stop, safely, promptly and under full control avoiding locking the wheels.
Remember, in wet weather it can take twice as long to stop safely.
Assessment criteria (example = control)
Driving fault:
- Locking the wheels, resulting in skidding for a short distance, but demonstrating effective skills in regaining control.
Serious fault:
- Very harsh braking, resulting in locking the wheels. Vehicle continues to skid out of control, with either ineffective or no attempt to regain control
Dangerous fault:
- Any situation brought about by the above loss of control that resulted in actual danger to the examiner, candidate, the general public or property.
Other faults:
- late or slow reaction to the signal
- applying the handbrake before stopping
- skidding out of control
- missing the footbrake pedal
- letting go of the steering wheel
The above is taken from The Driving Examiners Manual.
Where appropriate it has been reformatted and edited so it only refers to the driving of ordinary cars (class b).